Rep Syndication

From Dent Repair to SEO Agency, Powered by Menterprise

Rep Syndication is an SEO agency located in California, USA. Agency owner Brian Blanc started using Menterprise for his own Paintless Dent Repair shops around California and implented location-relevant backlinks to individual shops. After building with Menterprise, Brian and his shops got more calls & business. So much so, he’s since used Menterprise for his own SEO clients and is growing his SEO agency with Menterprise.

More Calls

Brian booked more dent repair jobs for his agency within weeks of starting his backlinking campaign

2x Ranked Pages

Doubled the amount of ranked pages and keywords

821% increase in traffic

Inner pages ranked higher in local SERPs leading to a huge increase in traffic

Using Menterprise first changed my business, now I'm implementing it in my agency to change other businesses — the best part is I'm able to replicate the results I got for my own business as a service in my agency.



Providing relevant backlinks to inner pages without purchasing expensive link placements and committing to the research time necessary to source them while running multiple physical businesses.

Building quickly and testing SERP reaction: Brian needed a solution that allowed for changing  built pages & sites to identify working strategies

Lack of time: As a business owner, Brian had plenty of roles outside of his SEO that required his time. To use his time effectively, he needed a solution that garnered great results for little time investment.


Authority built and managed by Brian: Building with Menterprise allowed Brian to build his own authority and create relevant sites & pages to create links to his inner pages — with no manual outreach or placement research.¸

Flexibility: Menterprise provided a way to quickly create various campaigns allowing Brian to find winning strategies, trim extra pages, and make the most out of his time and budget — without sacrificing results.

Automation: Brian built his campaigns in days, not months, and within weeks started seeing positive movement on his domain’s rankings. Over time, Brian created more and more campaigns to continue the vertical momentum and rank more keywords. With Menterprise, Brian was able to focus on his business with little investment in time.


With Brian's skill and Menterprise's power, Brian ranked more pages, drove more traffic, and got more calls — but more than that, he now has a system he can rely on to continually bring success to himself and his clients.

Left: Traffic increase. Right: Total pages ranked. Both within the first few months of implementing Menterprise

Brian continues to work with Menterprise and onboard more clients to his agency, and build more campaigns for his own business.